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Our Sensual Massage Guide - Top tips for an intimate experience

12 Jun 2024

Pamper your Partner with a Sensual Massage

A sensual massage is all about creating a relaxing and intimate experience for your partner. It combines the techniques of traditional massage with a focus on enhancing closeness and emotional connection. Here's a guide to get you started with tips on the best massage tools, lotions, and techniques.

Setting the Scene


  1. Lighting: Use soft, warm lighting. Candles are ideal for creating a soothing atmosphere.
  2. Music: Play gentle, calming music. Instrumental tracks or nature sounds work well.
  3. Temperature: Ensure the room is comfortably warm, as your partner will be partially undressed.
  4. Aromatherapy: Optionally try some scented candles or oil burners to create a soothing and relaxing aroma in your chosen room.

Tools and Lotions

Essential Items

  1. Massage Oils: Opt for natural oils like almond, jojoba, or coconut oil. These are gentle on the skin and provide a smooth glide.
  2. Lotions: If you prefer lotions, choose unscented or lightly scented varieties to avoid overwhelming the senses. Body butter is a great alternative.
  3. Towels: Have warm towels on hand to cover your partner and to clean off excess oil.

Optional Extras

  1. Essential Oils: Lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood are great for relaxation. Mix a few drops with your massage oil.
  2. Heated Stones: These can enhance the experience but require proper handling and practice.
  3. Massage Tools: Simple tools like massage rollers can add variety but start with your hands for a more personal touch.

Techniques for a Sensual Massage


  1. Communication: Ask your partner about any preferences or areas to avoid.
  2. Warm-Up: Start with gentle touches to help your partner relax and to warm up their muscles.

Basic Techniques

  1. Effleurage: Use long, sweeping strokes to spread the oil and warm up the muscles. Start from the shoulders and move down the back.
  2. Petrissage: Gently knead the muscles to release tension. Use your thumbs, fingers, and palms.
  3. Circular Motions: Use your fingers to make small circles on areas like the shoulders and lower back.

Enhancing Intimacy

  1. Soft Touches: Occasionally, use feather-light touches with your fingertips or the backs of your hands to heighten sensitivity.
  2. Focus on Sensual Zones: Pay attention to areas like the neck, inner thighs, and the lower back, which can be particularly responsive.

Creating a Flow

  1. Start Slowly: Begin with gentle strokes and gradually increase the pressure.
  2. Maintain Contact: Keep at least one hand on your partner at all times to maintain connection.
  3. Read Their Body: Pay attention to your partner's responses and adjust your pressure and technique accordingly.

Finishing the Massage

  1. Slow Down: Gradually reduce the intensity of your strokes as you near the end of the session.
  2. Cover Them: Use a warm towel to cover your partner, helping them retain the relaxed state.
  3. Gentle Touches: Finish with light, gentle touches or a soft caress.

Tips for the Best Experience

  1. Take Your Time: Don't rush the process. A good sensual massage can take at least an hour.
  2. Be Present: Focus entirely on your partner, avoiding distractions.
  3. Use Breath: Encourage your partner to breathe deeply, which helps with relaxation.
  4. Practice: The more you practice, the better you'll become at reading your partner's needs and preferences.


Performing a sensual massage is a wonderful way to connect with your partner and show them affection. With the right environment, tools, and techniques, you can create an unforgettable experience that deepens your bond. Always communicate and be attentive to your partner's reactions for the best results.

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