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Thoughtful first date gifts, our top picks

24 Apr 2023

Welcome to our guide on first date gifts!

If you're looking for a way to make a great first impression, giving a thoughtful 1st date gift can be just the thing to set the tone for a memorable evening.

Why would you give a gift on a first date?

Well, for starters, it's a way to show your date that you're interested and invested in getting to know them better.

It's also a great opportunity to showcase your personality and creativity while demonstrating your thoughtfulness and attention to detail. Now, you might be wondering what kind of gift would be appropriate for a first date. The key is to choose something thoughtful, but not too intimate or expensive.
Here are a few examples of the best first date gifts:

    • A bouquet of soap flowers - Flowers are a classic gift that never goes out of style. A small bouquet of their favourite blooms can be a great way to show your date that you're thinking of them. We offer a range of beautiful soap flowers that are sure to make a brilliant icebreaker.
    • Bath bombs - If you know your date's interests, a fun selection of bath bombs can cost less than £10 and come in a range of variations. Check out our bath bombs to find your perfect set to match your date.
    • A sentimental mug - Everyone loves a hot drink! Consider bringing a unique mug tailored to your date's personality. It's a sweet gesture that's sure to be appreciated.
    • Soy wax fragranced candle - these vegan candles are sure to add a flame to the passion of your date.
    • Thoughtful jewellery - gifts such as handmade earrings, necklaces, bracelets and bangles make excellent first date gifts. They can be relatively cheap and available for him, her or they. We offer several options to choose from.

Remember, the most important thing when choosing a first date gift is to keep it simple and thoughtful. If you’re still struggling for inspiration, check out our unique gifts for under £10 that make great gifts for first dates.

Focus on making your date feel special and valued, and the rest is sure to fall into place.
So go ahead and pick out that perfect little something to show your date how much you care - you won't regret it!

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