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Why do British people love tea and biscuits?

18 Feb 2023
Why do British people love tea and biscuits? -

Tea and biscuits are a beloved and iconic combination in the UK and have become an integral part of British culture. From the humble digestive to the classic custard cream, biscuits have been a staple snack in the UK for generations. Paired with a hot cup of tea (aka a “cuppa”), they provide a satisfying and comforting treat that has been enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. In this article, we'll explore the history of tea and biscuits in the UK, the cultural significance of this pairing, and some of the most popular biscuits in the UK.

The History of Tea in the UK

Tea was first introduced to the UK in the 17th century when it was brought over from China by the East India Company. At the time, tea was considered a luxury item and was mainly consumed by the wealthy. However, as it became more widely available and affordable, it quickly grew in popularity among all classes. By the 19th century, tea had become the national drink of the UK, with millions of cups being consumed each day.

The Cultural Significance of Tea and Biscuits

Tea and biscuits have become a cultural institution in the UK, and are enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. The tradition of serving biscuits with tea dates back to the early 19th century when tea was still a luxury item and biscuits were often served as a way to enhance the experience. Over time, they became a popular snack to have alongside a cup of tea.

In the UK, offering someone a “cuppa” and a biscuit is seen as a friendly and hospitable gesture. It is often used as a way to break the ice or to show appreciation and is a common way for people to socialise and bond with one another. The practice of having a "tea break" at work, where employees take a break to enjoy a cup of tea and a biscuit (or several biscuits), is also common in the UK.

Popular Biscuits in the UK

There are hundreds of different types of biscuits available in the UK, but some are more popular than others. Here are some of the most popular biscuits in the UK:

  1. Digestive - The digestive biscuit is a simple, plain biscuit that is perfect for dunking in tea. It was first created in the 19th century and has been a popular snack in the UK ever since.
  2. Rich Tea - A light and crisp biscuit that is often served with tea. It is a simple and unassuming biscuit that is perfect for those who prefer a more subtle flavour.
  3. Hobnob - A hearty and slightly sweet biscuit that is made with oats. It has a crumbly texture and a rich, buttery flavour that makes it perfect for snacking.
  4. Custard Cream - A classic biscuit that has been a favourite in the UK since the early 20th century. It is made with two sweet biscuits sandwiched together with a creamy custard filling.
  5. Jammie Dodger - A fun and playful biscuit that is perfect for children and adults alike. It is made with two sweet biscuits with a layer of raspberry jam in the middle.

Dunking Biscuits

It is a touchy subject with some Brits as to whether it is acceptable to dunk biscuits into your cuppa. Some despise dunking, while others embrace it. It comes with risk though, dunk too long and you will lose the biscuit to the bottom of your tea!

We have created a selection of biscuit dunk themed gifts that are perfect if you or someone you know just can’t get enough of biscuits.

In conclusion, the love of tea and biscuits in the UK is a testament to the enduring appeal of this classic pairing. From the humble digestive to the playful Jammie Dodger, there is a biscuit for every taste and occasion. The cultural significance of tea and biscuits in the UK cannot be overstated, and it remains a beloved tradition that brings people together.

Whether it's a quick snack, a way to socialise, or a source of comfort, tea and biscuits have become an integral part of British culture and are enjoyed by millions of people.

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